Meenakshi Dangi


You Stole My Peace and I Want It Back…

You Stole My Peace and I Want It Back…

The haunting echo of Aditi’s voice resonated in Tara’s mind, even as she found herself in the middle of a busy road. Horns blared around her, but she couldn’t hear them. Barefoot, she walked aimlessly through the pouring rain, clutching a blood-stained knife in one hand, her hands and clothes smeared with crimson. Tears mingled with raindrops on her face, and she eventually collapsed to her knees. Drivers stopped their cars and stepped out, silenced by the shocking scene. Tara, in a white suit now splattered with blood, let out a gut-wrenching cry that left everyone around her stunned. The rain continued to fall, washing away the blood but not the pain.


10 Years Ago…

Yash: “Hi, my love, Tara… How are you?”

Tara: “Listen, Yash, you know I really don’t like this.”

Yash: “I know, but I like you.”

Yash, 28 years old, was Tara’s uncle’s son. He had come to stay with them while attending a nearby engineering college. Tara, who was 20 at the time, didn’t like him, but she had to stay quiet because her father had approved his stay.


Opposites Attract but It Became Love for Tara

Despite her initial resistance, Tara couldn’t help but develop feelings for Yash. However, it became a one-sided love. Yash realized that Tara had fallen for him and, despite knowing her feelings were genuine, he began to manipulate the situation to his advantage.


Game very well played

He started taking Tara to his college parties, using her mind, body, and emotions for his benefit. He would often have her help with his assignments, relying on her dedication. At parties, he used her presence to impress his friends, showing her off while disregarding her feelings. Tara, blinded by her love, continued to support him, hoping he would eventually reciprocate her feelings.

At Yash’s graduation party…

Tara: “Yash, can we go somewhere quieter? It’s really noisy here.”

Yash: “Okay, baby.”

They found a quiet corner outside, away from the party’s clamor.

Tara: “Yash, I’ve been thinking…”

Before she could finish, Yash moved closer, wrapping his arms around her from behind. His breath was warm against her neck, and Tara felt her heart race. He gently turned her to face him, his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her knees weak. Without a word, he leaned in, brushing his lips against hers in a soft, lingering kiss. Tara closed her eyes, surrendering to the moment, hoping this was a sign that her feelings were finally being reciprocated. The night air was cool, but the warmth between them was undeniable, leaving Tara yearning for more.


Sudden departure…

The next morning, Tara woke up in the hotel room to find Yash gone. Panic set in as she searched for him, but he was nowhere to be found. She returned home, only to discover that he had left for good. When she asked her father, he simply said, “Yash’s graduation is over, and he found a job. He’s moved out.”

Many questions remained unanswered. Tara tried in vain to track him down, but he had vanished without a trace. She refused every marriage proposal her father presented, insisting she wasn’t ready. As the years passed, Tara became emotionally numb, turning into a stone.


A devastating truth emerged, shattering Tara’s world…

Her younger sister, Aditi, got married and seemed to be living a happy life. One day, Aditi returned home, sobbing in her room. Tara, concerned, went to her.

Tara: “Aditi, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Aditi: “I have complications with my pregnancy and need to undergo treatment.”

Tara: “Oh, come on, Aditi. It’s not a big deal. At least you’re married and going to have a baby.”

Aditi: “Seriously, Tara? It’s not a big deal to you?”

Tara: “Yes, Aditi. My life has changed a lot. I can’t even trust a man. I have fears…”

Aditi: “Shut up, Tara. How long will you keep pitying yourself?”

Tara: “Aditi, you found a good man, Rahul. That’s why you can say that. I met Yash… and he…”

Before Tara could finish, Aditi shouted, tears streaming down her face.

Aditi: “I met him too…” She broke down, crying uncontrollably.

Tara was stunned.

Tara: “What do you mean? Aditi, look into my eyes and tell me the truth.”

Aditi tried to run away, but Tara stopped her, holding her firmly.

Tara: “Look into my eyes and tell me the truth.”

Aditi, trembling, avoided Tara’s gaze. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aditi: “Yash raped me that night.”

Tara froze, her breath catching in her throat. Her heart pounded so hard it felt like it would burst from her chest. A wave of cold washed over her, leaving her skin prickling with goosebumps. She felt dizzy, the room spinning around her as Aditi’s words echoed in her mind. Her legs gave way, and she sank to the floor, unable to comprehend the horror of what she had just heard. Tara’s eyes filled with tears, her body trembling uncontrollably as the weight of the truth pressed down on her, crushing her spirit.


Tara Would Die or Kill for Her Sister

What Tara couldn’t achieve in the last 10 years, she accomplished in the past two weeks. Driven by her deep love for her sister, she left her home and everything behind, searching every nook and cranny. Tara navigated through the shadows of her past and the maze of her present, determined to bring justice for Aditi. Finally, her unwavering resolve led her to Yash, the man who had shattered their lives.


Present Day…

He was in a conference in Bangalore. Tara stormed in, her eyes blazing with fury, locking onto Yash. In a heartbeat, she pulled out a knife and drove it into his chest with a primal scream, silencing him forever. Blood erupted, staining her white suit as the crowd gasped in shock.

Later, she wandered barefoot down the road, oblivious to the blaring horns. Tears mixed with the relentless rain as she collapsed, her bloody hands shaking uncontrollably. Memories of Aditi’s pain overwhelmed her, each one a stab to her heart. As she knelt there, drenched and broken, a profound silence enveloped her. The cost of vengeance settled in, leaving an echoing emptiness that pierced through the night.

shayari in hindi

Read my more short stories here.


  1. This is the cruelty of the world, oh my God. I hope they are safe and well, both her and her sister.

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