Meenakshi Dangi


You Are Not Alone: A Heartfelt Letter of Support and Love

You Are Not Alone: A Heartfelt Letter of Support and Love

Hey Jaana, Why are you thinking that you are alone. No you are not.

I know you’re going through a tough time right now, and I just want to remind you of something very important. Sometimes, we start seeing ourselves through the eyes of others, and we feel that whatever they say is right. If people criticize us, we begin to criticize ourselves, adopting the same harsh words we hear. But I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that you should not be hard on yourself. Your worth is not defined by others’ opinions. Also don’t think that only you think this way. No, you are not alone. At one or the other point in our life we all be in this position.

Understanding the Pain

I see how deeply the words of others have affected you. It’s so easy to internalize their judgments and start doubting ourselves. But remember, you are so much more than what others perceive. When people around us are negative, it’s like a cloud that hovers over us, making everything seem darker. But, my dear friend, you have your own light. It’s brighter and more beautiful than you might realize right now.

The Weight of Self-Criticism

I know you’re your own toughest critic. You start to echo the hurtful words you’ve heard, believing them to be true. This self-criticism can feel like a heavy burden, making each day harder to get through. But please, let’s shift this perspective. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong, let’s celebrate all the things that are right about you. Your kindness, your strength, your ability to care deeply—these are qualities that define you far more than any mistake or imperfection.

Embracing Your Humanity

It’s perfectly okay to have faults. It’s okay to fall, to make mistakes, and to get hurt. These experiences don’t make you less; they make you human. They are part of your journey, part of what makes you uniquely you. Embrace these moments as opportunities to grow. Every fall is a lesson, every mistake a stepping stone. And through it all, remember, it’s okay to feel vulnerable. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to seek comfort.

Getting Back Up

I know it’s hard, but getting back up is where your true strength lies. Life isn’t about never falling; it’s about rising every time we do. And you, my dear friend, have the courage and resilience to stand up again. When you’re ready, take small steps. Celebrate the little victories. Each one is a testament to your inner strength.

Loving Yourself

I want you to be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you offer to others. Self-love is not selfish; it’s necessary. You deserve the same love and compassion that you give so freely to those around you. When you look in the mirror, see the amazing person I see. A person who is worthy of love, happiness, and respect.

Discipline with Love

Self-improvement should come from a place of love, not self-loathing. If there’s something you want to change about yourself, do it with kindness and patience. Set goals and work towards them, but remember to be gentle with yourself along the way. You don’t have to be perfect to be worthy. You just have to be you.

Being There for Yourself

Just as you are there for your loved ones, be there for yourself. Show up for yourself in the same way you show up for others. Support yourself through the tough times and celebrate your achievements. Self-compassion is about treating yourself with the same love and care you would offer to a dear friend. And you are your most dear friend. Also read my post Self-Compassion: Techniques and Benefits.

Fighting for Yourself

Sometimes, you have to fight for yourself. This might mean standing up for your needs, setting boundaries, or challenging negative self-talk. It’s not always easy, but it’s necessary. You deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, especially by yourself. Fight for your happiness, your dreams, and your well-being.


Remember, you are the first and last person you need to be with always. Trust in your abilities, believe in your potential, and take responsibility for your happiness. Self-reliance is about knowing that you have the strength within you to overcome any obstacle. You are capable, strong, and resilient. Breathing can help you in giving a focus and clear vision in life. Read 10 Breathing Exercises to Try When You’re Feeling Stressed.

My dear friend, remember that your worth is not defined by others. Embrace self-love and acceptance. Be kind to yourself, acknowledge your faults, and strive for self-improvement with love and discipline. See yourself through your own eyes, not through the distorted lens of others’ judgments. You are more than enough, just as you are. Again I am saying you are not alone. We all are together on this journey.

You are loved, you are strong, and you are capable of amazing things. I believe in you, and I will always be here to remind you of your incredible worth. Keep fighting, keep growing, and keep loving yourself. You are the first and last person you need to be with always.

With all my love,

shayari in hindi

Meenakshi Dangi

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